Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SCHOOL DAYS : Apple picking!

Emma had her first field trip with her preschool today!!!! Emma, Wil and I headed out to Sweetberry Farms one of the local farms here on the island to meet up with her school.

The gang had fun running in the big open field, climbing on the tractors and checking out the pumpkins while we waited for everyone to arrive. Wil and Graham had fun being set free for a bit while we waited they too ran, climbed on pumpkins and were looking so cute hanging together. Take two of the Arner/Krause gang is ready to start getting into their own trouble together :)

The kids were taken around the farm by the "farmer", who show them how pumpkins grown and some Indian corn. Then he marched the troops down into the orchard. He asked the children where we get our apples from and one small voice bellowed back "the grocery store." That got a good chuckle from the parents :) He talked to the children about how to pick and apple and what the different varieties tasted like. Then we set out to pick our brown bag full. Emma had a blast picking while Wil was reluctantly strapped in to his stroller so mom could help Emma.

Emma enjoying her hard work. She ate the entire apple. She would have literally ate the whole thing but when she started biting into the seeds I explained that we don't eat that part :) That is what you get when you always cut up your kids apple for them.

A nice class picture ended our trip to the farm and we packed them back up in our cars and headed back to school!

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