We are back after a long over due period of silence! Everyone is doing great. Emma is enjoying her second year at Emmanuel Day School. She is excited every morning to get to school. He favorite thing to do right when we get there is to read the question of the day! Her french vocabulary and songs are growing daily. They are working on language skills and she can frequently be heard in the back seat of the car clapping her hands to figure out how may syllables are in a word. Emma is taking swim lessons again and is much more comfortable in the pool this session. Wil is really having a developmental burst, stringing 3-4 word sentences together and really maturing so that we can enjoy library group, play gym, and other outings with kids his own age unlike last year when it was just me chasing him all around, this fal he's really participating. He enjoys story time, we go once or twice a week and we've been getting to the zoo or children's museum once a week. Playground is hit daily sometime twice a day to get our energy out for great naps and bedtimes. Wil is now potty trained, has been in big boy undies since a week ago this past Monday. So happy to be a diaper free house. We have had a busy fall apple picking, enjoying the harvest fair, and pumpkin picking. We are gearing up for Halloween and look forward to posting picture from our trick or treat adventures. Happy Fall to you all and my goal is to post twice a month.