Thursday, December 17, 2009


Thank you for taking the time to come read or holiday letter for 2009. In an effort to reduce our paper consumption we decided to do a virtual letter this year. This is also the new family blog site so if you'd like to check out what we are up to over the course of the year you can come back as we update frequently.

December 2009

December 2008
It's been a "Wild" year!!!

The wild child in our lives really sprang into action this year. Wil has added a new level of crazy in our lives :) I say this with love but this boy has a way of always finding mischief to get into. He climbs, jumps, bounces, throws, hits and spins himself into a whirlwind of action. Wil has a handful of signs and is now building his verbal vocabulary. He loves to make the sound of animals upon request. He is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Club House and is lucky his big sister is flexible about what she watches. Wil loves Bailey and if we would let him would strap a saddle to his back and ride him around the house. Bailey and Wil are both looking forward to lax season.

Eric coached lacrosse at North Kingston High School last spring. A good switch for him from coaching middle school. They didn't have an outstanding season but they did have a great time.

Emma had a fun summer and got to go to day camp for two different weeks this summer, she loved it. Emma started preschool this September at The Emmanuel Day School here in Newport. She is soaking in as much as she can. She is now speaking french to us as we look back at her and nod and both smile since Eric and I both took Spanish we have no idea what she is saying :) She recites the cutest pledge to the flag see the clip below

I know it's sideways but it's about what she's saying :)

Emma is still our lover of everything princess, she sings non stop and isn't afraid to shake it! She really is a joy to have around and loves her little brother to pieces and checks on him when he wakes up in the morning. Wil just needs to steer clear of her baby dolls that's where she draws the line.

Part of Emma's Christmas program at school

Jillian is still hanging home with these wild ones. She has started up a small sewing business. Her store can be found at right now it's only t-shirts but after the holidays she has a few new surprises to add to her store front.

We hope you all are doing well and we look forward to visits from or to many of you over the next year. Happy Holidays!!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving in Virginia

We spent a great week down in VA for Thanksgiving this year!!!

Emma and Wil had a blast playing with Tristan and Adalin at Grammy's house.
here are some photos taken over the course of our stay.

We were also fortunate to get to visit with our old friends Tracy her husband Dave and their kids Meghan and Grant. Emma and Grant used to play together as babies here in Newport. Their family just moved back from a tour in Japan and ended up buying a house just miles from Eric's mom. It was great to get together and we look forward to seeing them again next time we are in VA :)

L to R - Emma, Grant & Nora